Exhibition “Life in Colours” by Simone Monney

Clinique de Genolier

from 3rd April to 28th June

on the 3rd floor of the clinic

Exhibition “Life in Colours” by Simone Monney

The Clinique de Genolier is pleased to invite you to Simone Monney’s exhibition, taking place from 3rd April to 28th June on the 3rd floor of the clinic.

Born in Zürich, Simone Monney set up her studio in Nyon, in the canton of Vaud. Simone draws her Inspiration from a wide range of sources: music, interior design, fashion and nature. Particularly fond of bright colours, her work is distinguished by the use of spontaneous techniques and a variety of mediums such as acrylic, pigments and Chinese Ink. For Simone, art is a never-ending adventure, a constant exploration of new ideas and perspectives.

The commission received from the sales of the paintings is entirely paid to the Genolier Foundation.

Clinique de Genolier · Route du Muids 3 · CH-1272 Genolier · Tél. +41 22 366 90 00