Please scan this QR code which gives the opportunity to visualise Simone’s artworks “in situ” on the “IAZZU” application.

Dance with butterflies
In the flapping of the butterflies’ wings
Fragrant pollen traces a furrow
Sparkling dew falls, flavouring every word hanging in the air.
Chrystal in the river dances
From the sea to the ocean of our senses.
Starry melodies in the abyss
Foam with its bubbling premise
Waves of sunshine warming the blue skies
Heaven’s melodies gently bathe our eyes.
The chrysalises will always dance.
– Nathalie de Rito

Simone develops her works a little like a musical composition, like a performance of lyrical and playful expressions. From her spontaneity and free gestures emerge transparency and depth.
Her brushes, knife and hands are the basic tools Simone uses to apply the different surfaces. She particularly likes to paint with Indian ink and acrylic paint. Simone loves playing with colours -often bright- revelling in their energy and harmony.
Paintings on canvas page
Lyrical abstraction
Paintings on canvas
Games of light
Paintings on canvas
Pop Art
Paintings on canvas
Small formats
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Stay in touch
Chemin d'Eysins 49A - 1260 Nyon, Suisse
+41 (0)79 227 32 30